Art Café
We did it – our new ART CAFE situated at the Yard, Harbour Road, Kleinmond in the Overberg is up and running. We have sold many pictures and fed myriads of different people and of course friends who have popped in to visit. I am so excited about the Art Café as at last it gives me the opportunity to showcase my work as well as making decisions about what is best for me as an artist. This has been a long term dream and I am grateful to my wife Sharmain, her partner Sulet for making the dream come true. We have had great feedback both about the art and the food. With the advice of a very good friend Poalo we embarked on making Roosterkoek, a concept while being a semi Afrikaaner, English speaking Van Rensburg, roosterkoek had not yet entered into my experience of food. It has been a great success!
I am not sure what 2014 holds for any of us but I approach this year with a sense of positiveness and looking forward to a very different year from 2014. As many of you know the art market has been affected by the world’s economic downturn, however, as human beings we need art to survive! Not everyone can afford an original artwork but very few people live with nothing on their walls. They need to reflect our world and the beauty in it encourages us to cut pictures out of magazines, to buy a poster with our favourite rock star or today I should say rap star, it is part and parcel of being human. So I am encouraged to continue to find within myself a greater understanding of my creativity and a new way of showing it to the world. I am humbled by the many comments that people make about my work and it forces me to keep finding a new depth, a new vision and a new way to visualize the world in which I live.

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